Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 9. Part 2. P. 158-161.
Sarumov Aleksei Andreevich, Savchenko Valerii Nesterovich
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article conducts a terse philosophical-scientific and historical-philosophical analysis of the problem of the notion "Single-Many" and related to it the notion "the multiple" in the context of set-theoretic approach. Some paradoxes and multiple aporia of antiquity are described in the context of modern philosophical and natural scientific worldview. The article ascertains that the analyzed notions did not find definitive solutions; moreover, the field of their application in science is expanding, forming, for example, such a new notion as "the generical multiple" introduced into scientific circulation by French mathematician and philosopher Alain Badiou.
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