Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 4. Part 3. P. 203-206.
Shumilov Andrei Vladimirovich
Research Institute of Social and Political Sciences in Cheboksary
Abstract. The author presents the results of the research on using mathematical and statistical methods in the analysis of the election results in Russia during the election cycle period of 2011/2012, states that modern mathematical, statistical techniques are unable to explain the level of fraud in elections, for what they are commonly used, and comes to the conclusion that statistical techniques in the analysis of the election results were used primarily by the non-system opposition as manipulative technologies in the attempt to show its competence and to discredit the authorities.
Key words and phrases: манипулирование, манипулирование электоратом, выборы, электоральное поведение, статистика, математические методы, Гаусс, manipulation, manipulation of electorate, elections, electoral behaviour, statistics, mathematical methods, Gauss
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