Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 2. P. 134-146.
Oparina Yuliya Mikhailovna
State Musical-Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov in Moscow
Abstract. The author discusses the problem of poetry musicality considered from the perspective of poetic intonation as the sound-meaning of a verse, substantiates that intonation is the field of formal and substantive aspects intersection in poetic text, as it is equally its structural and emotional-semantic component, presents the original technique of poetic intonation analysis, considers the intonation formation of verse composition as the phenomenon related to musical process, and therefore the problem of poetic intonation preservation in the musical interpretation of poem becomes particularly acute, and shows the opportunities and ways of poetic intonation embodiment in music by the example of three composers' interpretations of A. Blok's poem In a Corner of the Sofa.
Key words and phrases: музыкальность поэзии, поэтическая интонация, звук и ритм в стихотворении, ритмическая структура стиха, интонационная композиция, А. Блок, musicality of poetry, poetic intonation, sound and rhythm in poem, rhythmic structure of verse, intonational composition, A. Block
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