Abstract. The author considers the problems of Zen-Buddhism influence on the art of the western world, reveals the possibilities of mystical sartorial experience manifestation in European art when a philosopher, poet, painter or musician can realize the highest moments of creativity from the perspective of Zen principles as something constant in its eternal changeability, and pays special attention not only to Zen-Buddhism influence on the West, but to the synthesis of two cultures - the East and the West, which today cannot exist without each other.
Key words and phrases: дзэн-буддизм, дхьяна, импрессионизм, экзистенциализм, "незавершенный фрагмент", "сатори", чань, "чинмоку", шунья, экзистенциализм, "язык тишины", Zen-Buddhism, dhyana, impressionism, existentialism, "unfinished fragment", "satori", chan, "chinmoku", sunya, existentialism, "language of silence"
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