Dialectal phraseology of German dialects in the Altai (linguoculturological aspect)
Goncharyuk Natalia Leonidovna, Moskvina Tatiana Nikolajevna
Altai State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 05.08.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the specific structural and semantic features of comparative phraseological units characterizing a person in the German dialects of the Altai region by examining their development in terms of semantic stability, variability, and susceptibility to the influence of the Russian language. The paper considers the main approaches to studying German dialectal phraseology in comparison with Standard German as a basis for identifying the common German phraseological stock in the dialect and phraseological units specific to the isolated German dialects. The focus is on the issues of structural and semantic variation due to the influence of the Russian language and Russian linguoculture. The scientific novelty of the research lies in exploring a fragmentarily studied phenomenon, introducing into scientific use relevant dialectal material collected during a dialectological expedition to the German National Region of the Altai Krai in 2024, which allows for expanding the range of dialectal studies and supplementing scientific knowledge about the linguoculturally conditioned specifics of phraseological units in German dialects. As a result, it has been proven that the phraseological corpus of German dialects is fairly stable in terms of its composition and semantics; it retains the basic phraseological units characteristic of the common German vocabulary, which testifies to the stability of these units. However, the dialectal phraseological system is susceptible to the influence of Russian linguoculture. At the same time, there is also variability in phraseological units in different groups of German dialects in the region. Phraseological units are considered from the perspective of dialectal linguoculturology, a specific branch in culturological research on language within German studies.
Key words and phrases: немецкая фразеология, островная немецкая диалектология, немецкие компаративные фразеологизмы, семантическая вариативность фразеологизмов, фразеологическая синонимия, лингвокультура российских немцев, German phraseology, isolated German dialectology, German comparative phraseological units, semantic variation of phraseological units, phraseological synonymy, linguoculture of Russian Germans
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