Comprehensive model of the Chinese standard sentence taking into account data from the topic-oriented and generative approaches
Kalikova Anna Mikhailovna
Astrakhan Tatishchev State University
Submitted: 07.08.2024
Abstract. The research aims to develop and describe a derivational model of the Chinese sentence taking into account the achievements of the topic-oriented approach. The paper applies the methodology for constructing dependency trees in the version of N. A. Slyusar using Chinese language data, which allows for drawing analogies with universal processes of generation and perception described within the framework of the predicational concept of language. Guided by the stated aim, the author of the paper resorts to description methods of generative grammars, which, using binary links to connect components into a single whole, provide an opportunity to present syntactic relations in the form of dependency syntax trees (configurational models in the version of N. A. Slyusar). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the grammar of the Chinese sentence is explained for the first time from the position of the distribution of activation in its surface structure, which is related to the predicational division of the sentence. As a result of the research, it has been found that the formation of word order in the Chinese sentence is carried out in accordance with the expression of topic-comment grammatical relations (the term of C. Li and S. Thompson) between the elements of its binary structure, as well as the predetermined activation in the distribution of each of the syntactic components.
Key words and phrases: генеративная грамматика, предикационная концепция, китайские синтаксические структуры, бинарные связи, градуальные значения, generative grammar, predicational concept, Chinese syntactic structures, binary links, gradual values
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