The etymology and semantic field of the zoonym “cow” in the mythology and religion of Indo-European, Altai and Uralic linguocultures
Nikolaeva Natalia Vitalievna, Gilazova Guzaliya Sayfullovna, Semenova Galina Nikolaevna, Yakovleva Galina Grigoryevna
Ulyanov Chuvash State University
Kazan State Institute of Culture
Submitted: 10.08.2024
Abstract. The research aims to explore the etymology and semantic field of the zoonym “cow” in the linguocultural contexts of the Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic language families. The article analyzes the origin of the word “cow” in Slavic, Turkic, Romance and Germanic languages, identifying its core and additional meanings, commonalities and specific features. This analysis makes it possible to determine the national characteristics in the expression of knowledge about people, animals, and the world in mythological and religious beliefs by the native speakers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in considering the zoonym “cow” not only as a linguistic object, but also as a cultural phenomenon intertwined with history, mythology, religion, and human lifestyle. This zoonym is studied for the first time in a comparative aspect using data from Slavic, Turkic, Romance and Germanic languages, with the aim of identifying, analyzing, and describing national cultural features, similarities, and differences. As a result, the study proves that the etymology and semantics of the word “cow” in the contexts of the Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic language families display shared roots, dating back to a distant past, and indicate profound connections between the peoples. Despite some differences among the peoples who speak Slavic and Turkic languages, such as national specificity of worldview, varying living conditions, traditions, history, and religion, the words designating the cow in various linguocultures are part of a unified history, connected to the use of this animal in human life.
Key words and phrases: этимология зоонима «корова», семантика зоонима «корова», национально-культурные особенности, славянские, тюркские, романские и германские языки, etymology of the zoonym “cow”, semantics of the zoonym “cow”, national-cultural specifics, Slavic, Turkic, Romance and Germanic languages
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