Means of implementing the category of theatricality in the semiotically heterogeneous text of calligrammes (based on G. Apollinaire’s calligrammes)
Chvalun Roza Vladimirovna, Kizilova Natalia Igorevna
Stavropol State Agrarian University
Submitted: 04.08.2024
Abstract. The research aims to provide a comprehensive description of the implementation of the linguosemiotic category of theatricality in the semiotically heterogeneous text of Guillaume Apollinaire’s calligrammes. The article outlines the main research units and aspects of theoretical description, provides definitions and an overview of the key parameters of theatricality in a semiotically heterogeneous text, specifically in Apollinaire’s calligrammes. Given that theatricality is a significant category in any context, determining the choice of means to achieve set goals, the consideration of the author’s strategy in constructing calligramme texts is conducted in four main directions: the linguistic aspect itself, the cognitive aspect, the pragmatic aspect, and the semantic aspect. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of the linguistic material, methods and means of implementing the category of theatricality have been identified and described at different levels of the semiotically heterogeneous text of calligrammes: lexical, grammatical, stylistic (the verbal component); graphic, semiotic (the non-verbal component). As a result, key parameters of the category of theatricality in the text have been determined, including conditional time, conditional space (mise-en-scène), persuasiveness, referential illusion, attractivity. The linguosemiotic category of theatricality, as a combination of verbal and non-verbal components, is implemented in the language of calligrammes, where text visualization is a result of the theatricalization of its language. Based on this, it has been hypothesized that the dominant parameter in the semiotically heterogeneous text of calligrammes and the fundamental parameter of the text category of theatricality is referential illusion. From this, it follows that the essential conditions for implementing the category of theatricality are emphasis and audience perception.
Key words and phrases: театральность, лингвосемиотическая категория, семиотически гетерогенный текст, прагматическая категория, коммуникация, theatricality, linguosemiotic category, semiotically heterogeneous text, pragmatic category, communication
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