Metaphorical conceptualization in the texts of international documents as exemplified by the authentic texts of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015) in Russian, English, and French
Kurganova Margarita Sergeevna, Novikov Dmitry Nikolaevich
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia
Submitted: 29.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the role of metaphorical concepts in establishing the degree of equivalence of units in authentic texts with invariant content represented by an international treaty in Russian, English, and French from the perspective of the cognitive approach. The article examines authentic texts of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015), a significant international document reflecting the efforts of states to combat global climate change, in the aforementioned languages, taking into account the correspondences of metaphorical concepts and methods of their verbalization identified in the document’s text. The research is novel in that it is the first one to identify the features of equivalence of metaphorical concepts in the texts of international treaties, whose authenticity was established in Russian, English, and French. As a result, it was found that the concepts and methods of their verbalization predominantly coincide in the texts in Russian, English, and French. However, it is worth noting that a greater number of conceptual metaphors verbalized in the text is characteristic of the document in English, while a smaller number is characteristic of the document in French.
Key words and phrases: когнитивная лингвистика, метафорический концепт, экологический дискурс, аутентичный текст договора, инвариант, cognitive linguistics, metaphorical concept, ecological discourse, authentic treaty text, invariant
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