The pragmatic potential of the teaching language text (based on French and German teaching materials)
Rogaleva Anna Anatol’evna
Kuban State Technological University
Submitted: 16.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to identify structural elements of the teaching language text that enable it to interact with the foreign language learner (addressee) in a learning communication situation. Unlike existing studies, the interactivity of the teaching language text is examined using materials from authentic teaching materials for learners of German and French. Through linguistic analysis and generalization, structural elements of the teaching language text have been identified that enable it to interact with the addressee. The researcher examines the main approaches to defining the category of interactivity. The teaching language text is presented as a complex textual formation; its functions are related to the goals and objectives of foreign language learning. The language material is not only subject to assimilation but also serves as a model for developing speech activity and forming communicative competence. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identified and described structural elements of the teaching language text that create text-addressee interactivity and contribute to text comprehension. The research findings showed that the teaching language text interacts in both its internal and external space with other components of the communication situation through publisher’s paratextuality, selective and productive interactivity. The interactivity of the teaching language text is linked to the pragmatic intentions of the text as the main unit of learning communication.
Key words and phrases: учебный языковой текст, ситуация учебной коммуникации, интерактивность учебного языкового текста, обучение французскому языку, обучение немецкому языку, teaching language text, learning communication situation, interactivity of the teaching language text, French language learning, German language learning
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