Semantic convergence of lexemes by a synonymous type in a literary context (based on the novella “For the Sake of Their Brothers” by M. I. Bryzhinsky)
Morozova Elena Nikolaevna, Gorshkova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Nesterova Natalia Anatolyevna
Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevyev
Submitted: 23.11.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify ways of semantic convergence of lexemes in a literary text (based on the novella “For the Sake of Their Brothers” by the Russian-speaking writer of Mordovia M. I. Bryzhinsky). The paper examines the usual and individual author’s lexical synonyms, analyzes the functions of semantically close words and techniques of their use by the author. Bryzhinsky’s novella is a rich linguistic material that has not previously been subjected to linguistic analysis. The scientific originality of the study also lies in the fact that the process of semantic convergence of lexemes in conditions of neutralizing and differentiating contexts is considered as a cognitive mechanism that allows defining contextual synonyms as a product of creative speech-thinking activity, actualizing implicit semes in the structure of the lexical meaning of these words. As a result of the study, the authors proved that semantic convergence in a literary text is carried out on the basis of associative-connotative connections, communicative-pragmatic and distributive properties of synonyms, which in the individual author’s worldview serve not only as a means of creating artistic imagery, but also as a tool for a multifaceted description of the object of extra-linguistic reality implied by the author of this text.
Key words and phrases: семантическая близость, синонимическая парадигма, лексическая семантика, языковая репрезентация, semantic proximity, synonymic paradigm, lexical semantics, linguistic representation
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