Expository translation as a tool employed to compensate for the loss of meaning while rendering terminological units of the football sphere from English into Russian
Spiridovsky Oleg Vladimirovich
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 02.08.2024
Abstract. The article aims to determine the specifics of the application of the expository translation strategy as a way to compensate for the loss of meaning while rendering terminological units of the football sphere from English into Russian. The article studies 3 thematic groups of such units and suggests translation decisions which help to avoid the loss of meaning in the process of translation. The scientific novelty of the research is proved by the fact that it for the first time presents and summarizes the outcomes of the use of expository translation regarding such thematic groups as “types of football players”, “statistical parameters of individual and team actions”, and “styles of playing football”. As a result, it is estimated that the employment of the expository translation strategy is the most admissible translation tool in case of the absence of direct translation equivalents in the Russian language in such a specialized sports sphere as the football sphere.
Key words and phrases: специальная терминология, коммуникативная сфера футбола, особенности применения стратегии описательного перевода, безэквивалентная лексика, specialized terminology, communication sphere of football, specifics of the application of the expository translation strategy, non-equivalent vocabulary
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