G. D. Grebenstchikoff’s pedagogical strategies in the story “Hitching Wagon to a Star” and its self-translation
Yarkova Elena Vladimirovna
National Research Tomsk State University
Submitted: 09.07.2024
Abstract. The paper delves into the study of the English-language works by the writer G. D. Grebenstchikoff (1883/84-1964). The research aims to examine the self-translation of Grebenstchikoff’s short story “Hitching Wagon to a Star” in the context of the writer’s pedagogical activities. The paper presents an analysis of the story, analyzes the strategies of self-translation, and reveals the connection between Grebenstchikoff’s intentions regarding culture transmission and his pedagogical strategies and tactics. The scientific novelty is accounted for by the introduction of the research material into scientific use, as the self-translation was not published by the author and the Russian-language version was not reprinted and included in the “Collected Works”. The story “Hitching Wagon to a Star” is dedicated to teaching at Florida Southern College, the autobiographical narrator recalls his students and the subjects he taught. The English-language version of the story was written seven years later, which further distances the narrator from the events described. Additionally, the Russian-language and English-language versions reveal a large number of plot differences, nevertheless maintaining minimal unity and being versions of the same work. As a result of the study, it was found that the writer’s adaptation of the English-language versions of his own works took place using both the strategy of forenization and domestication; moreover, plot transformations were applied when translating the work into a foreign language.
Key words and phrases: автоперевод рассказа «Толкай телегу к звездам», культуртрегерство в литературе эмиграции, литературный билингвизм русских классиков, литература эмиграции первой волны, педагогические стратегии в творчестве Г. Д. Гребенщикова, self-translation of the story “Hitching Wagon to a Star”, culture transmission in émigré literature, literary bilingualism of Russian classics, first-wave émigré literature, pedagogical strategies in G. D. Grebenstchikoff’s creative work
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