Features of the functioning of the transport terminological system in modern English-language Internet news resources
Matveicheva Yuliya Olegovna
Samara State University of Railway Transport
Submitted: 03.07.2024
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problems of English transport terminology, as well as the peculiarities of its functioning. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the functioning of English–language transport terminology based on the material of English-language news resources covering the state of transportation. The scientific novelty of this study lies in its exploration of the unique characteristics of the transport terminology system, as revealed for the first time through an analysis of English-language online news sources that focus on specific modes of transportation. In the article, 532 transport terms selected from media texts were divided into thematic groups, classified according to partial criteria, and the peculiarities of their functioning were revealed. As a result of the study, it was found that the terms identified in the analyzed material relate to general transport, but their meaning is specified due to attributive units, which causes their transition to a narrowly sectoral terminology. The extralinguistic processes aimed at the implementation of practices for the development of environmental friendliness in the transport industry are reflected in the functioning of terminological phrases formed by combining transport and environmental terms. It is revealed that the specifics of the considered transport terminology are diffusion processes, the reason for which is the transition of a significant part of it into the category of commonly used vocabulary.
Key words and phrases: транспортная терминосистема, новостные интернет-ресурсы, экстралингвистический процесс, терминологическая ассимиляция, transport terminological system, Internet news resources, extralinguistic process, terminological assimilation
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