Subject-object approach to interdiscourse in the coordinates of the literary practice of parrhesia (Charles Dickens’s novel “Bleak House”)
Ryabova Irina Yurievna
Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
Submitted: 06.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to trace the dynamics of the interaction between the author’s linguistic personality and the text in a literary work with legal topics, where the text of the novel is a result of the literary practice of parrhesia in interdiscourse as a uniquely constituted linguo-socio-cultural space. The paper examines the specifics of the interaction between the author’s linguistic personality and the text within the framework of the subject-object approach to interdiscourse, which allows for a deeper understanding of the close connection between the personal characteristics of the writer, the discursive, cognitive, and pragmatic foundations of his work, and the linguistic means used. The paper proposes the idea that the formation of the author’s linguistic personality is conditioned by the “duality” of his professional competences (as a literary scholar and a man of law). The scientific originality of the research lies in describing the correlational connections between the linguistic personality of the parrhesiastic writer, his “participatory” thinking, types of socio-linguistic consciousness, and the spectrum of expressive linguistic means, in particular the quoted word. As a result of the research, it was found that the linguistic personality of the parrhesiastic writer, conditioned by the field of law, is a complexly organized psycho-social phenomenon capable of masterfully implementing a pragmatically charged communicative program, turning interdiscourse into a field of social struggle.
Key words and phrases: интердискурс, литературная практика парресии, профессионально детерминированная языковая личность, субъектно-объектный подход, цитатное слово, interdiscourse, literary practice of parrhesia, professionally determined linguistic personality, subject-object approach, quoted word
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