The specifics of the interpretation of Pushkin’s work in symbolism (V. Bryusov) and conceptualism (D. A. Prigov)
Zhilene Ekaterina Sergeevna
St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture; F. M. Dostoevsky Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy
Submitted: 14.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the figurative-motional and structural-compositional features of the appeal of the symbolist poet V. Bryusov and the conceptual poet D. Prigov to the personality and work of A. S. Pushkin, to the Pushkin myth as a sign of the continuation of the literary tradition. The article examines not only the formal features of the Bryusov and Prigov Pushkin’s works, but also their content and semantic layers, revealing visible differences in the reception of the image of the genius of Russian literature, dictated by differences not only epoch-making, but also theoretical and literary. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the author proposes to consider the ways of addressing the personality and creativity of A. Pushkin as a single continuous process that overcomes the attitudes of anyliterary trends and trends up to conceptualism. The power of Pushkin’s word is so great that it turns out to be stronger than the attitude towards non-ideality, and the appeal to the image of Pushkin overcomes even the proclamation of the author's death, which is confirmed by D. Prigov’s Pushkiniana. As a result of the study, it was found that the tradition of referring to the Pushkin word is alive and continuous, that it reflects the peculiarities of each epoch and the course of development of the literary process, and also that, contrary to the manifestational statements of conceptualists about the lack of ideas of “objects” and total play with the fragments of socialist realist canons, Prigov’s poetry already at an early stage demonstrated a capacious semantic potential that overcomes the limits conceptual practices.
Key words and phrases: образ А. Пушкина в поэзии концептуализма, пушкинский миф в творчестве Д. Пригова, пушкиниана В. Брюсова, поэзия концептуализма, the image of A. Pushkin in the poetry of conceptualism, the Pushkin myth in the works of D. Prigov, V. Bryusov’s Pushkiniana, poetry of conceptualism
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