Modeling of the implicative semantics of landscape nominations in a sentence (based on the material of the German language)
Bespalova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev (Samara University)
Submitted: 16.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship of the implicative semantics of landscape nominations with logical and grammatical types of sentences and to build models of implication of additional meanings of landscape nominations on this basis. The article explores the concept of implicative semantics and investigates how the logical and grammatical structure of German sentences relates to the implicit meanings of landscape-related terms found within them. These implicit meanings are derived from German linguistic culture. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that for the first time the implicative semantics of landscape nominations is modeled in connection with the logical and grammatical types of the German sentence. As a result, based on the corpus data of the Digital Dictionary of the German Language, sentences containing nominations of large landscape forms are analyzed. The specifics of the semantic roles of landscape nominations in four main types of German sentences are described. The speaker's predicative connections with landscape objects and their implicative potential in German linguoculture are systematized. Models of the formation of the implicative meaning of landscape nominations are presented in the form of four types of frames: action, procedural, evaluative and the frame of "inclusion of the singular into the particular". The necessity of taking into account the speaker's intention in interpreting the implicative meaning in different types of discourse is shown.
Key words and phrases: интенция говорящего, тип дискурса, импликативный смысл, ландшафтная номинация, логико-грамматический тип предложения, немецкая лингвокультура, фреймовое моделирование, speaker's intention, type of discourse, implicative meaning, landscape nomination, logical and grammatical type of sentence, German linguoculture, frame modeling
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