Features of Chinese economic terms and their translation into Russian
Tomilova Aleksandra Igorevna, Tvorogova Elizaveta Igorevna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Submitted: 05.06.2024
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problems of Chinese terminology, which appeared relatively recently, as well as the translation of Chinese economic terms. The aim of the research is to identify the characteristics of Chinese economic terms and find the best ways to translate them into Russian. The study involved analyzing 942 economic terms from 115 Chinese media texts. These terms were then classified based on two key criteria: their form and their partial affiliation. The scientific novelty lies in difingn these criteria which are crucial for understanding the nature of Chinese economic terms and can significantly impact the choice of translation method when rendering them into Russian. This approach represents a significant advance in the field, as previous classifications of Chinese (non-economic) terms only focused on word formation and did not consider other important factors. By considering both form and partial affiliation, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the terms and make more accurate translations. The results showed that 98% of Chinese economic terms are word combinations that reach up to 12 components, in other words, hieroglyphs, in the composition (the most common are two-component ones), between which attributive and copulative types of relations are distinguished. When translating such multicomponent terms into Russian through various translation transformations, in most cases they formally correspond to one lexeme, which does not always reflect the completeness of the meaning (semantic, stylistic, pragmatic). Therefore, the depth of perception of Chinese economic reality would help to convey the inclusion of a linguistic and cultural commentary from the translator due to significant differences in the economy, culture and mentality of the two countries.
Key words and phrases: китайские экономические термины, атрибутивные термины-словосочетания, копулятивные термины-словосочетания, частеречная принадлежность, переводческое решение, Chinese economic terms, attributive terms-phrases, copulative terms-phrases, partial affiliation, translation solution
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