Linguistics and psychoanalysis: Discourse and metadiscourse
Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Chizhova Anastasia Olegovna
Moscow International University; Belgorod National Research University; Belgorod State Technological University
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Institute of International Economic Relations
Submitted: 08.07.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify points of contact between linguistic and psychoanalytic discourses and metadiscourses. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the construction of a linguo-semiological model for describing discourse and metadiscourse in order to clarify the conceptual apparatus and more clearly structure the semantic terminology of linguistics, psychoanalysis, as well as the theory of language and communication theory. An important point of the study is the discovery of epistemological similarities and differences between the terminological apparatus and operational models of text analysis used in both disciplines, in other words, between the linguistic and psychoanalytic processing of utterances in line with the interpretative-semiological approach. The obtained data allow us to identify several crucial mechanisms of linguistic and semiotic interaction between the subjects of various scientific fields. This synergy is essential for effective communication and drives the advancement of linguistic and cultural knowledge. By activating the dynamics of linguistic and cultural data, we can create a new metadiscourse axiology in both theory and practice. This applies not only to the field of psycholinguistics but also to general linguistics.
Key words and phrases: лингвосемиология, терминосистема лингвопсихоанализа, анализ текста, метадискурс, linguo-semiology, terminology of linguopsychoanalysis, text analysis, metadiscourse
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