Teaching the means of professional communication (subject area – history of literature) to foreign philology students
Markov Vladimir Timofeevich, Markova Valentina Alekseevna
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 03.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to create a technology for teaching foreign philology students to perceive and use the means of professional communication characteristic of the history of literature. The article characterizes the features of the text on the history of literature. Its typical content aspects are established, typical lexical and grammatical structures are identified – the means expressing these aspects. A system of exercises has been developed to teach the perception and use of text structures in the history of literature. The novelty of the undertaken research is determined by the fact that for the first time it provides a systematic linguodidactic description of a text on the history of literature. The identified specifics are linked to the nature of the exercises. As a result of the study, a technology for teaching means of professional communication in the field of literary history was compiled. Dominant (presented for active use) and non-dominant (intended for reception) structures expressing the main semantic aspects of a text in the history of literature were identified, a system of exercises was developed that teaches means of professional communication in the field history of literature.
Key words and phrases: иностранные студенты-филологи, профессиональное общение, история литературы, структуры языка науки, технология обучения, foreign philology students, professional communication, history of literature, structures of the language of science, teaching technology
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