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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1809-1814.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Prosodic markers of the state of "joy" (using the example of linguistic realizations of Kabardian Bilinguals in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region)

Frolova Anastasia Vadimovna
Pyatigorsk State University

Submitted: 18.04.2024
Abstract. The present study is devoted to the study of ethnospecific features of the expression of emotions in the speech of representatives of Kabardian and Russian ethnogroups of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region based on the material of an experimental corpus of quasi-spontaneous audio files-dialogues marked with the emotional state "joy", recorded by representatives of Russian and Kabardian ethnogroups. The aim of the study is to identify nationally specific prosodic markers of the state of "joy" based on the material of the Russian and Kabardian ethnogroups of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying ethnically conditioned signs that manifest the difference in emotionally marked communication models in the speech of North Caucasian bilinguals. Acoustic analysis of the material showed differences in the sound characteristics of speech between the Russian and the interfered variants, such as an increase in the intervals of raising and lowering the tone, an expansion of the tonal range of the phrase and changes in the formant values of vowels. The results obtained prove that both the formant picture of the studied replicas in the implementation of Kabardian and Russian ethnogroups and the data of the level of phrasal prosody are ethnically conditioned, and emotionally marked communication models differ in qualitative characteristics.
Key words and phrases: фразовая просодия, формантные значения гласных, акустический анализ материала, этнообусловленные параметры, эмоционально маркированные модели коммуникации, phrasal prosody, formant values of vowels, acoustic analysis of the material, ethnically conditioned parameters, emotionally marked communication models
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