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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 2092-2097.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Feelings and sensitivity in medieval Italian visions (based on the poetry of the turn of the 13th-14th centuries)

Kedrova Mariia Alexandrovna
Saint Petersburg State University

Submitted: 10.03.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze three poems of the turn of the 13th-14th centuries to identify the feelings and emotions of the heroes, inhabitants of the afterlife, followed by an explanation of the functions of representation of the selected phenomena in the texts. The material for the article was the poems written in the folk language by the Italian didactic poets Bonvezin da la Riva (“The Book of Three Scriptures”) and Giacomino da Verona (“Infernal Babylon” and “Heavenly Jerusalem”). The scientific novelty of the work consists in identifying the tropes and motifs by which the authors of the selected poems represent a particular feeling. As a result, it is determined that the feelings described and called by the selected authors are staged in accordance with the role-playing nature of the genre of vision. Bonvezin da la Riva’s “Black Scripture” and Giacomino da Verona’s “Infernal Babylon” are more original and rich in tropes (epithets, metaphors, etc.) than the images of paradise. The description of sins in Bonvezin’s work is more moderate, while Giacomino da Verona refers to the folk laughing culture. It was found that Bonvezin’s target audience were monks, and the comic component of “Infernal Babylon” was aimed at the general public.
Key words and phrases: жанр загробных видений, репрезентация эмоций в тексте, ролевая природа жанра видения, средневековые итальянские поэты-дидактики, народная смеховая культура, genre of afterlife visions, representation of emotions in the text, role-playing nature of vision genre, medieval Italian didactic poets, folk laughing culture
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