Factors of non-linearity in the collection of stories “Severance” by R. O. Butler
Simonova Elena Petrovna
Pacific National University
Submitted: 23.05.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the factors of non-linear reading of an English ergodic text, describing the linguistic mechanism of stimulating non-linear perception of information. The paper is devoted to the study of an English ergodic literary text, the structure of which is characterized by openness and dynamism. The key principle of the organization of this type of text is the possibility of its non-linear reading. The paper considers the concept of non-linearity of the text, the relationship of non-linearity with hypertext, describes the structure of the ergodic text, the features of its speech organization, and identifies the factors that determine the non-linear reading of texts of the ergodic genre. The research is original in that it is the first to consider the English-language collection of stories “Severance” by R. O. Butler as an ergodic literary text, its linguistic and stylistic features are described taking into account its non-linearity. As a result, the researcher found that such paratext elements as intermediate titles belong to the factors of non-linearity at the level of text architectonics. The openness of the text was proved by its intertextual connections, implemented through precedent names. It was substantiated that at the level of speech organization, the stream of consciousness can also be considered as a factor of non-linear reading.
Key words and phrases: факторы нелинейного прочтения, эргодический художественный текст, промежуточный заголовок, паратекстовые элементы, поток сознания, factors of non-linear reading, ergodic literary text, intermediate title, paratext elements, stream of consciousness
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