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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1931-1935.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Functioning peculiarities of constructions with the modal meaning of conditionality in “Russkaya Pravda”

Tkachenko Arina Igorevna, Maltseva Anastasiia Ilinichna
Immanuil Kant Baltic Federal University

MAOU “Polesskaya Secondary School”

Submitted: 03.05.2024
Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of conditional complex sentences in the body of ancient Russian laws “Russkaya Pravda”. The aim of the study is to identify the basic principles of the grammatical structure and functioning of the constructions with the modal meaning of conditionality. The scientific novelty of the undertaken research lies in considering complex sentences with conditional clauses as the main text-forming structure in the organization of the Old Russian legal written monument. The results obtained showed that the text of “Russkaya Pravda” consistently uses syntactic constructions with the modal meaning of conditionality, which are implemented using complex sentences with the meaning of condition. The study identified three groups of constructions with the modal meaning of conditionality. The cause-and-effect relationship is clearly visible in these constructions: the first group is complex sentences with the meaning of condition, expressed using the conjunctions ‘аще’, ‘аже’, ‘оже’, ‘иже’; the second group is represented by sentences in which the meaning of conditionality is expressed using the connecting conjunction ‘a’; the third group is syntactic constructions with a conjunction ‘или’ meaning ‘if’, as well as sentences conveying conditional relations without using any conjunctions.
Key words and phrases: юридический текст, свод древнерусских законов «Русская Правда», экспликаторы модального значения обусловленности, микрополе необходимости, legal text, body of ancient Russian laws “Russkaya Pravda”, explicators of the modal meaning of conditionality, micro-field of necessity
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