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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1866-1873.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Features of modifications of phraseological units in modern English-, German-, French- and Spanish-language versions of the Bible: linguistic and cultural aspect

Mikhailova Evgenia Vladimirovna, Gulevets Natalia Aleksandrovna
Sevastopol State University

Submitted: 09.04.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to establish the causes, ways and mechanisms of substitution of linguistic units that are a component of phraseological units functioning in multilingual texts of canonical versions of the Bible, in comparison with their modified versions in modern versions of the translation. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of the process, trends and causes of modification of biblical phraseological units in the texts of the Bible translated into English, German, French and Spanish in diachrony; over the course of four centuries (XVII-XXI centuries), individual linguistic units that are components of quoted phraseological units have been subjected to substitution under the influence of both linguistic and extralingual factors, which in turn makes it possible to note the possible cultural recoding of these nations in the future. This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of biblical phraseological units and their modifications in the linguistic and cultural aspect. The linguistic factors of substitutions of components of quoted biblical phraseological units include such phenomena as the development of national languages, the phenomenon of polysemy, as well as the modernization of the religious language and the democratization of the presentation of the Holy Scriptures of Christians. Changing in the conditions of social and ordinary life of European nations are considered to be the extralinguistic factors.
Key words and phrases: модификация библейского фразеологизма, разноязычные версии Библии, модернизация религиозного языка, лингвальный фактор, экстралингвальный фактор, modification of biblical phraseology, multilingual versions of the Bible, modernization of the religious language, linguistic factor, extralinguistic factor
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