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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1859-1865.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Linguistic specifics of the category of interpretation in English-language news media texts

Syresina Irina Olegovna
Moscow Pedagogical State University

Submitted: 06.05.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the linguistic objectivation of the category of interpretation in modern English-language news media texts. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the presentation of interpretation as a discursive-dictemic category, the definition of its types and the identification of specific marking means of its linguistic objectivation in English-language news media texts. As a result, it is proved that, being an institutional type of discourse, the news media discourse has a certain organization for constructing its linguistic interpretation by the addresser to the addressee, namely, it is possible to distinguish an informing interpretation and an influencing (evaluative) interpretation. The informing interpretation is marked by the following linguistic means: at the lexemic level – numerals (numerical data), proper names; at the proposemic level: polypredicative constructions, structural and logical means of cohesion; at the dictemic level, there are narrative and causal types of dictemes. The influencing interpretation, when manipulating readers' beliefs, sets various pragmatic guidelines for news media texts. Namely, it is possible to distinguish between persuasive and motivational interpretations, each of which is characterized by different linguistic means of objectivation.
Key words and phrases: дискурсивно-диктемная модель коммуникации, новостной медиатекст, категория интерпретации, информирующая интерпретация, воздействующая интерпретация, дискурсивные маркеры, discursive-dictemic model of communication, news media text, category of interpretation, informing interpretation, influencing interpretation, discursive markers
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