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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 1854-1858.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Features of the hybridization of the vocabulary of the digital educational environment in Germany

Kamenskii Aleksandr Alekseewich
Moscow Pedagogical State University

Submitted: 04.05.2024
Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the lexical component of the German-speaking digital educational environment. It examines the specific lexical units that are used to describe digital educational practices in modern German pedagogy. The author draws attention to the aspect of lexical hybridization in the linguistic representation of digital education, which affects the vocabulary of such areas as "educational technologies", "teaching methods and forms of knowledge control", "security and ethics". The purpose of this study is to identify the peculiarities of the hybridization of the vocabulary of the digital educational environment in Germany. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the hybrid vocabulary of the German language of the digital educational environment is systematized, which allows us to expand the understanding of the evolution of the language in the context of digital transformation and assess its impact on the educational process and language culture. The results of the study showed that hybrid words with English-language components are widely used in German in the field of digital education in Germany, which reflect various aspects of modern digital learning.
Key words and phrases: цифровая образовательная среда Германии, лексическая гибридизация, гибридные слова с англоязычными компонентами, современное цифровое обучение, digital educational environment in Germany, lexical hybridization, hybrid words with English-speaking components, modern digital learning
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