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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1419-1424.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Axiological features of the concepts of ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL) in the Adyghe linguoculture

Bogdanova Elena Aleksandrovna, Dzhandar Betti Mahmudovna, Khachmafova Zaineta Ruslanovna
Adyghe State University

Submitted: 03.04.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to define the axiological features of the objectification of the concepts ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL) in the Adyghe linguoculture. The paper considers the peculiarities of the linguistic representation of moral and ethical categories of good and evil in the Adyghe linguistic picture of the world through the prism of the value conceptosphere. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it reveals for the first time the linguocultural specifics of the actualization of the value characteristics of the concepts ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL) in the Adyghe linguistic picture of the world. The analysis of the peculiarities of lexical and phraseological-paremiological objectification of the concepts ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL) in the Adyghe linguoculture is carried out. As a result of the research, it was established that the concepts ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL), being an ethical opposition, are objectified implicitly and explicitly by various linguistic units, reflect the moral values of the Adyghe and determine the value dominants of the national linguistic consciousness. The opposition ШIУ/БЗЭДЖАГЪ is connected with both material and spiritual values of the Adyghe linguocultural community.
Key words and phrases: адыгская лингвокультура, концепты ШIУ (ДОБРО) и БЗЭДЖАГЪ (ЗЛО), ценностная картина мира, Adyghe linguoculture, concepts of ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL), value picture of the world
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