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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1398-1403.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Forms of free verse in the work of Zarina Kanukova (based on the materials of the collection " Хэку / Homeland")

Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna
Institute for the Humanities Research – affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS)

Submitted: 03.04.2024
Abstract. The article examines the problem of evolution of free verse forms in Adyghe (Kabardian) poetry using the example of creativity of the Kabardian poetess, writer, playwright Zarina Saadulovna Kanukova (1969), in particular, her latest collection of poems "Хэку/Homeland" (2022). Poetic compositions of varying degrees of freedom from rhyme-metric constructions, as well as conventional poems created in strict accordance with the rules of classical syllabo-tonic versification are considered. The research aim is to identify the trends in the development of free verse forms in national poetry in general and in Z. Kanukova's work in particular. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying and studying innovative poetic forms for the Adyghe (Kabardian) literature - varieties of free verse; the little-studied problem of transformation of the national verse system is touched upon; the research material presented in the collection "Хэку/Homeland" is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The obtained results prove the progressive nature of free verse forms in the stated book and give reason to assume the movement of the entire Adyghe (Kabardian) poetry towards gradual formal emancipation/liberation.
Key words and phrases: адыгская (кабардинская) поэзия, Зарина Канукова, поэтический сборник «Хэку/Родина», формы свободного стиха, Adyghe (Kabardian) poetry, Zarina Kanukova, collection of poems "Хэку/Homeland", forms of free verse
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