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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1705-1712.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Typology of military metaphors in the English-language COVID-19 discourse

Dadueva Alexandra Sokratovna
Irkutsk State Medical University

Submitted: 10.04.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to classify the military metaphors used in the COVID-19 media discourse. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the identification of the main types of military metaphors characteristic of the English-language discourse of COVID-19. The article presents an overview of the theoretical material, which showed that the metaphorization of the modern COVID-19 media discourse is universal and reflects the processes of globalization. The author analyzes military metaphors from the English-language media. As a result, the types of metaphors are distinguished from the point of view of classification according to the LANGUAGE – THINKING ratio, from the point of view of structural classification and stylistic significance. The role of metaphors in the formation of the latest English language worldview is determined. Linguistic metaphors expand the semantic spectrum of coronavirus meanings, conceptual metaphors reflect the ability of thinking to reach the level of global understanding of the problem. Verbal metaphors provide access to the scenario of a pandemic situation, nominal metaphors create a metaphorical image of a pandemic. Nominal and adjectival metaphorical phrases allow us to characterize the subjects and objects of the epidemic from the perspective of evaluative semantics. Occasional metaphors create images that have a hidden potential to transform into stereotypes and values of society.
Key words and phrases: дискурс COVID-19, военная метафора, типология военных метафор, метафорический образ пандемии, COVID-19 discourse, military metaphor, typology of military metaphors, metaphorical image of a pandemic
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