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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1647-1653.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Present tense forms in Russian and English as a means of expressing the simultaneity category

Antropova Anastasia Evgenievna
Kazan State Power Engineering University

Submitted: 12.01.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the features of expressing the category of simultaneity by present tense forms in English and Russian languages. The article identifies the verb forms in both languages that participate in expressing simultaneity, considers different types of simultaneity, and presents examples of their use. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying verbal means of expressing temporality on the example of the category of simultaneity. Isomorphism is manifested in the fact that both languages use the conjunction “when”, which explicitly expresses the meaning of simultaneity in polypredicative complexes. Allomorphism is manifested in the fact that the potential for expressing simultaneity by present tense forms is significantly higher in Russian than in English. The coincidence of the tense forms of the predicates leads to the expression of complete, unlimited simultaneity, and the use of different tense forms – to the implementation of partial simultaneity. The results obtained showed that the present tense in Russian and English can express both limited and unlimited simultaneity.
Key words and phrases: категория одновременности, настоящее время русского языка, настоящее время английского языка, глагольные формы репрезентации одновременности, category of simultaneity, present tense of Russian, present tense of English, verbal forms of representation of simultaneity
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