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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1640-1646.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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I in the role of the Other: The doctrine of metempsychosis in Ch.-L. Montesquieu’s novel “True Story”

Vasilyeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Saint Petersburg State University

Submitted: 17.03.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the specific role that the doctrine of metempsychosis plays in Ch.-L. Montesquieu’s novel “True Story”. This little-known writing of the French enlightener is considered in relation to the most representative works of the era on the same topic, which allows us to highlight its originality. The novel is usually classified as a marginal work, which is not typical for Montesquieu, but the scientific novelty of the research consists in revealing not only a deep philosophical potential of the novel, but also its closest connection to Montesquieu’s thought expressed in his major works. The results of the analysis showed that the book has got a pronounced accusatory character, being aimed at exposing the morals of society, in particular the morals of women, but is not limited to such intention. Using the doctrine of metempsychosis is subject to a deep philosophical task, which consists in testing certain ideas of Enlightenment. Thus, Montesquieu examines ideas about the principles of despotic rule, the nature of happiness, the personal identity and the Other, etc. The author deliberately resorts to the doctrine of metempsychosis in order to be able, by placing the character in a countless number of states, to deal with the widest range of problems freely and without apparent motivation and at the same time not to be constrained in the ways of their interpretation. The data obtained allow us to take a fresh look at the genre nature of “True Story” and see in it the signs of such a genre as mennipea.
Key words and phrases: метемпсихоз, философская мысль эпохи Просвещения, сатира, меннипея, художественное творчество Ш.-Л. Монтескье, metempsychosis, philosophical thought of the Enlightenment, satire, mennipea, fictional writings of Ch.-L. Montesquieu
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