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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1351-1362.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The phenomenon of artistic whistling in traditional Chinese culture and its connection with classical Chinese literature

Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted: 07.03.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the meaning, place and main features of the artistic whistling “xiao” 啸 in the traditional culture and classical literature of China. The paper considers the earliest theoretical generalizations of the Chinese about whistling, indicates the whistling forms and techniques created by them, traces the history of whistling art in the context of the development of Chinese literature and identifies its various functions and influence on the creative work of writers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic Sinology, Chinese whistling becomes the subject of a special comprehensive study: the philosophical basis, aesthetics and literary significance of artistic whistling are revealed, the periodization of the history of this art is given with a sufficiently detailed consideration of the most important epochs and periods, a classification of “xiao” is presented according to different types; its use in folklore and literature is analyzed. As a result of the research, a special and rather noticeable place of artistic whistling in Chinese traditional culture was determined, the philosophical and aesthetic essence of this phenomenon was revealed, the main functions and genre varieties of whistling art were identified, and its significance in Chinese classical literature was uncovered.
Key words and phrases: продолжительный свист (чан сяо), естественность (цзыжань), учение о сокровенном (сюань сюэ), высвистывать песни (сяо гэ), рецитировать стихи и свистеть (инь сяо), литературный топос свиста, long whistling (chang xiao), naturalness (ziran), profound learning (xuan xue), whistling songs (xiao ge), recite poems and whistle (yin xiao), literary topos of whistling
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