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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1005-1011.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Features of the translation of an English poetic text into Russian in the context of its equivalence (based on “Up in the Air” published by “Brown Watson”)

Sibiryakov Andrey Viktorovich, Laur Anna Dmitrievna
Ulyanovsk State University

Submitted: 09.02.2024
Abstract. The aim of our research is to determine the features of the translation of the English-language poem “Up in the Air” published by the Czechoslovak printing house “Brown Watson” in the context of the possibility of achieving its equivalence with versions in Russian. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the authors of the article established the prevailing types of translation transformations when rendering the analyzed work from English into Russian by two translators, which provided the researchers’ contribution to the concept of translation plurality proposed by R. R. Tchaikovsky. As a result of the research, difficulties in translation were identified related to the transfer of lexical-semantic, lexical-grammatical, syntactic organization, emotionally charged vocabulary and the structural embodiment of the author’s poetic text, as well as to the subjectivity of choosing a translation solution. To achieve an adequate translation of the poem under study, the use of definite transformations expanded the range of searches for compensation for lost meaning and provided translators with a certain degree of creative freedom, the boundaries of which were established by the original.
Key words and phrases: переводческие трансформации, переводная множественность, эквивалентность перевода поэтического текста, translation transformations, translation plurality, equivalence of translation of a poetic text
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