Structural-semantic links of skaldic kennings compared with phraseological units using the lexico-semantic group “Fire”
Levitan Alexander Glebovich, Nechaeva Polina Vasilyevna, Soldatova Daria Nikolaevna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky, Moscow; Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Submitted: 01.02.2024
Abstract. The research aims to identify the essential features of horizontal links between elements of the system of skaldic kennings. The paper discusses the structure and lexical-semantic content of skaldic kennings and the peculiarities of their usage, comparing them with existing tropes such as metaphor, metonymy, and phraseological units. Additionally, focusing on the lexico-semantic group “Fire”, the authors examine the origin and principles of building horizontal links in the system of kennings. The scientific novelty lies in introducing a new approach to describing kennings within the theory of phraseology, offering a fresh perspective on horizontal links in the system of kennings. This has led to the following findings: 1) kennings can be considered within the phraseological paradigm using theoretical models of phraseology; 2) there are complex horizontal links in the system of kennings, primarily consisting of skaldic heiti, combining both two-word kennings and kennings with multiple elements.
Key words and phrases: кеннинги, скальдическая поэзия, фразеологизмы, древнеисландский язык, норвежский язык, kennings, skaldic poetry, phraseological units, Old Norse language, Norwegian language
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