Textmental categories of the Gospel parable (based on German and Russian)
Alekseeva Yelena Mikhailovna
Ural State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 20.01.2024
Abstract. The research aims to demonstrate how textmental categories (sacral-religious analysis and sacral-religious interpretation) manifest themselves in the text of the Gospel parable. The paper examines the functioning characteristics of the textmental categories of sacral-religious analysis and sacral-religious interpretation. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the expression features of sacral-religious analysis and sacral-religious interpretation processes in a comparative aspect within the text of the Gospel parable using the material in German and Russian. The research findings indicate that sacral-religious analysis, being the explication of the understanding process through referential multiplication, reveals the images and symbols of the Gospel parable drawn from everyday life, which are perceived as doctrinal truths and wise teachings. Sacral-religious interpretation through metaxyvization specifies the distinctive perspective images in the text of the Gospel parable generated by points of view as its spiritual idea. Serving as an embodiment of reflective contemplation (theatation), sacral-religious interpretation of the Gospel parable transcends the framework of the presented worldly vision and translates it to a transcendental level.
Key words and phrases: текстоменталия, сакрально-религиозные категории, интерпретация, толкование, евангельская притча, textmental modus, sacral-religious categories, interpretation, analysis, Gospel parable
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