Function of Chinese characters in the system of images of D. I. Stakheev’s poem “Ambassade”
Zhai Li
Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 13.02.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the place and role of Chinese characters in the system of images of the poem “Ambassade” by D. I. Stakheev. The paper examines not only the satirical poem but also a historical document that recorded the course of the 1863 diplomatic mission, allowing for a comparison of real events and their depiction in the work. The author intentionally departs from accuracy to express his own point of view through the images of the characters, reflecting on both the nature of Russo-Chinese relations and the personality of the first military governor of the Amur region N. V. Busse. This artistic approach shapes the satirical nature of the poem, exposing issues more related to the internal structure of the Russian Empire. Scientific novelty lies in delineating the functions of the main characters within the system of images in one of the early works by the prominent writer of the second half of the 19th century D. I. Stakheev. Specifically, the paper focuses on establishing the worldview factors that determined the plot composition, thematic problems, and ideological significance of the characters, especially the Chinese characters. As a result, the research finds that the Chinese characters (both major and episodic) serve several crucial functions in the system of images of the poem “Ambassade”: forming a contrast with the Russian characters, they make up the compositional basis of the work; they reflect the author’s guiding values, which makes these characters examples of the conceptual character type, heroes-retransmitters.
Key words and phrases: Д. И. Стахеев, поэма «Посольство», тема российско-китайских отношений, система персонажей, приём контраста, D. I. Stakheev, poem “Ambassade”, theme of Russo-Chinese relations, character system, contrast technique
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