Realities in the artistic world of William Morris's late novels: classification features and translation possibilities into Russian
Aristov Alexei Yur'evich, Aristova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
Submitted: 10.02.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is, based on the works of G. D. Tomakhin, to classify quasi-reality elements in the late novels of the late 19th-century English writer William Morris. The article delves into the definitions of realities and quasi-realities, a series of classifications described by Tomakhin, applied to the quasi-realities of Morris. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the first-ever classification of quasi-reality elements in William Morris's late novels based on Tomakhin's classifications of realities. It was demonstrated that both realities and quasi-realities contribute to the creation of the imagery in the literary work. The study showcased the potential to group both quasi-realities and realities into Tomakhin's classification schemes, originally developed solely for realities. The article analyzes existing approaches to defining quasi-reality, as well as its relationship with the concept of "reality," including "artistic world reality." Subsequently, a comprehensive selection of realities from the artistic world of William Morris was compiled based on five of his late novels. It was revealed that the material obtained aligns with the classic classifications of realities proposed by G. D. Tomakhin. As a result of the study, instances of the use of nearly all types of realities described in Tomakhin's classifications were found in William Morris's novels, with realities analyzed alongside quasi-realities.
Key words and phrases: перевод, реалии, квазиреалии, Уильям Моррис, translation, realities, quasi-realities, William Morris
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