Typological similarities in the lyrical works “The Prisoner to the Butterfly That Flew into His Dungeon” by V. A. Zhukovsky and “The Prisoner of Chillon” by G. G. Byron
Oksenchuk Vera Nikolaevna
Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky
Submitted: 27.10.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to detect typological similarities in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky and G. G. Byron at the level of the images of the main characters, as well as the spatial-temporal organization of the text, with particular attention to the category of “liberation”. The research material includes lyrical works “The Prisoner to the Butterfly That Flew into His Dungeon” (1813) and “The Prisoner of Chillon” (1816). Comparative studies have already noted the contact links and typological similarities between the creative works of V. A. Zhukovsky and G. G. Byron, but a comparative analysis to identify and study parallels on different levels of the text has not been conducted yet, and this in turn determines the research novelty of the present study. For the first time, an analysis of the texts is presented at the level of characters, themes (prison, prisoner, impossibility of liberation), and spatial-temporal characteristics. The article thoroughly examines the interaction of the two lyrical works at the plot and imagery levels. The basis for examination comprises common elements of plots and motifs, similarities and differences in the images of central characters. The result of the research is that, despite the authorship of the authors belonging to the same literary movement (Romanticism), not only similarities in the realization of such images and situations are observed, but also significant differences. The comparative categories will include: the image of the hero, space and time, the image of freedom, liberation, prison. The identified connections and similarities indicate a literary contact between the authors and literatures, revealing the specifics of contact relationships and typological similarities in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky and G. G. Byron.
Key words and phrases: образ узника, главный герой, романтизм, В. А. Жуковский, Дж. Г. Байрон, image of a prisoner, main character, Romanticism, V. A. Zhukovsky, G. G. Byron
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