Patriotic rhetoric as a macro-strategy in Chinese mass media discourse in the English language
Nikolaeva Olga Vasilyevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 20.01.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the regularities of verbal realization of patriotic rhetoric as a macro-strategy in Chinese media in the English language. The paper examines ways of expressing patriotic rhetoric taking into account the multi-variant and multilingual nature of the audience of English-language media information. The scientific novelty of the study is related to posing a problem potentially significant for comparative rhetoric when contrasting the PRC’s patriotic rhetoric in Chinese and in English. The results show that patriotic rhetoric in Chinese media in the English language differs in axiological, conceptual, and cultural specificity. The axiology of argumentative rhetoric is based on historically conditioned civilizational axioms and contemporary ideological concepts of China. The specificity of rhetorical strategies reflects deep civilizational values of collectivism, cyclical time perception, justice as a result of historical changes. The verbal realization of the macro-strategy in English-language Chinese media is influenced by historical and cultural traditions of speech behavior and features of Chinese communicative style. Explicit and implicit rhetorical formulas are realized through linguistic and discursive-pragmatic means.
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