The term “корпорация” (corporation): Problems of use, interpretation, and translation into English
Salkova Natalia Vladimirovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Odintsovo Branch)
Submitted: 19.08.2024
Abstract. The article aims to identify the specifics of the functioning and translation into English of the term “корпорация” (corporation) as a key term for the categorical-conceptual apparatus of corporate law in the Russian Federation. The research also focuses on analyzing the term in question to determine its compliance with the main essential features as a terminological unit. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first time that the term “корпорация” and its English translation equivalents are considered in a comparative aspect in relation to their normative-legal, doctrinal, and lexicographic recording. As a result, the historical and territorial semantic variability of the term under study in legal terminology was established. The term can function within the Russian legal field as part of a company name as a component of the name, as an indication of the organizational and legal form, and as a generic concept for all forms of corporate legal entities, which indicates the absence of the necessary minimum of features that characterize the lexical unit “корпорация” as a term, in contrast to the terms “corporation” (USA) and “corporate body” (UK), which possess functional stability in the legislation, theory, and law enforcement practice of the respective states.
Key words and phrases: историко-этимологический анализ термина, дефиниционный анализ термина, лексико-семантический анализ термина, признаки термина, корпорация, historical and etymological analysis of a term, definitional analysis of a term, lexico-semantic analysis of a term, features of a term, corporation
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