Stratification of terms in the e-sports discourse space
Tyurin Pavel Vladilenovich
Moscow City University, Samara Branch
Submitted: 02.09.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the specifics of terminology in the semantic and structural aspects within the English-language e-sports discourse space. The article presents e-sports terms, categorized based on their semantics in professional communication: universal, genre-oriented, and unique terms. The work also defines these concepts and provides examples of each category of terms. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article formulates a definition of the term “e-sports discourse space”, reveals its structure, classifies terms according to the criterion of semantic significance in the e-sports discourse space (by semantic significance, we mean the recurrence of the term in most of the semantic fields of the e-sports discourse space), and analyzes lexical units of the basic elements of e-sports. The research findings show that the set of lexical units that make up the terminology of the e-sports discourse space can be applied to all e-sports disciplines, as well as to specific genres of e-sports disciplines, and also to a single e-sports discipline.
Key words and phrases: дискурсивное пространство, киберспортивный дискурс, киберспортивное дискурсивное пространство, термин, discourse space, e-sports discourse, e-sports discourse space, term
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