Thematic stratification of terminology in the subject area “Energy” (based on English and Russian)
Tumanyan Ripsime Gareginovna, Khachmafova Zaineta Ruslanovna
Adyghe State University
Submitted: 06.09.2024
Abstract. The article proposes a conceptual-thematic classification of terminology in the subject area “Energy” and reveals its role in structuring and systematizing industry terminology. This approach is considered relevant in the context of identifying general principles for the formation and development of energy terminology. The aim of the research is to determine the specificity of a thematic stratification of energy terminology in English and Russian, based on the identification and description of the content and differential features of thematic groups. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that, based on the findings, the foundations for a thematic stratification of energy terminological vocabulary have been revealed. In addition, the following thematic groups have been identified, characterized by equivalence in both languages under study: Energy Actors; Consumers; Energy Objects and Other Infrastructure Elements; Appliances and Equipment; Resources, Substances and Materials; Procedures and Technologies; Processes, Properties and Conditions; Implementation Mechanisms; Energy Information. The results are of significant theoretical value for the study of industry terminology, contributing to the expansion of knowledge within the investigated area of scientific and professional knowledge and activity.
Key words and phrases: предметная область «Энергетика», энергетическая терминология, тематическая стратификация, понятийно-тематическая группа, subject area “Energy”, energy terminology, thematic stratification, conceptual-thematic group
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