Interdisciplinary communication: The current methodology for research in toponymy
Gordova Yuliana Yuryevna
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 03.09.2024
Abstract. The research aims to improve interdisciplinary communication by systematizing knowledge about the contemporary methodological basis of toponymy. The article describes both traditional methods of linguistics and methods from other disciplines used in toponymic research from 2019-2024. Geographic names are the subject of study not only for linguists, but also for historians, geographers, culturalists, etc. Therefore, mastery of the methodology of onomastic research ultimately increases the effectiveness of the results obtained and contributes to more successful communication between participants in interdisciplinary projects. The scientific novelty of this research lies in identifying the most demanded and effective tools for studying proper names in scientific works of the past five years. As a result, the article describes the basic onomastic methods: onomastic sampling, the structural method, the etymological method, and others; the basin approach, borrowed from geography; and the interdisciplinary method of comparing linguistic and extralinguistic data, including examples of research and results.
Key words and phrases: научная коммуникация, междисциплинарные исследования в ономастике, методы ономастики, междисциплинарные методы в ономастике, адаптация методов географии, scientific communication, interdisciplinary onomastic research, methods of onomastics, interdisciplinary methods in onomastics, adaptation of geographic methods
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