Synthesis of European and national traditions in the poetry of Dina Mamchuyeva
Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna
Institute for the Humanities Research – Branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 04.12.2023
Abstract. The article examines the creative work of the famous Karachay-Balkarian poetess Dina Mamchuyeva, whose innovation has not been sufficiently studied, despite the fact that she has made a great contribution to the development of national poetic structures and has long occupied a place on the literary Olympus of the North Caucasus region. D. Mamchuyeva’s innovation manifested itself both in the subject matter of her poems and in poetics, primarily in introducing a new genre into Karachay-Balkarian poetry, i.e., the sonnet genre in its original form, as well as in giving new features to the classic Karachay-Balkarian versification. The research aims to identify the features of D. Mamchuyeva’s versification, their conditionality by new cultural circumstances – the widespread publication of Russian translations of Shakespeare’s works and works by other poets who adhered to the classical sonnet, which has helped many authors to hone their skills. The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the article is the first to shed light on the complex of poetic techniques used by D. Mamchuyeva in verse organization, her preference to the sonnet genre and at the same time commitment to the Karachay-Balkarian system of versification, which reflects the specificity of her creative work. The research findings showed the relevance of the topic, revealed the richness and originality of the author’s poetic skill. The chosen research perspective demonstrated its importance for understanding D. Mamchuyeva’s creative searches in the field of versification and its significance for understanding the formal and semantic structures of the author’s poetics, as well as the need for further study of the author’s innovations in national literature, primarily in poetry.
Key words and phrases: Дина Мамчуева, новаторство и традиции, карачаево-балкарская поэзия, жанр сонета, Dina Mamchuyeva, innovation and traditions, Karachay-Balkarian poetry, sonnet genre
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