Metaphorical worldview of students as a means of conceptualising the specifics of education in the postmodern era (based on the material of an associative experiment)
Ignatieva Anastasia Sergeyevna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 30.04.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to reconstruct fragments of the metaphorical worldview of a modern student by examining the features of metaphorisation of the UNIVERSITY, TEACHER and STUDENT concepts in students’ worldview. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in considering metaphor as a means of conceptualising the key features of the postmodern era, such as the uncertain future, the chaotic and unpredictable world, in the metaphorical worldview of a modern Russian student. As a result, the author identifies the universal educational metaphors that help to construct a cross-section of students’ metaphorical worldview, which include metaphors of travel, family, work, zoomorphic metaphors and some others. Based on the analysis of the metaphors, it has been found that the metaphorical worldviews of students in different years of study are not identical – they differ in peripheral features of the concepts under consideration, which makes it possible to distinguish “bright” (positive) images of modern education, characteristic of first-year students, and “gloomy” (negative) images, peculiar to advanced undergraduate students. The predominance of the latter suggests that the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty are the key features of the postmodern era personality.
Key words and phrases: образовательная метафора, метафорическая картина мира студента, концепты УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, СТУДЕНТ, ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬ, концептуальная картина мира, эпоха постмодерна, educational metaphor, metaphorical worldview of a student, UNIVERSITY, STUDENT, TEACHER concepts, conceptual worldview, postmodern era
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