Features of the adaptive translation of aerospace texts from English into Russian
Novoselov Ilya Viktorovich, Ulitkin Ilya Alekseevich
State University of Education
Submitted: 07.06.2023
Abstract. The issues of adaptive translation of a special text covering aerospace subjects, including translation and adaptation of English terms of the aerospace sphere to Russian, are considered. The theoretical study conducted to clarify the notion of adaptive translation makes it possible to formulate the definition of adaptive translation, as well as to identify the criteria for assessing its quality based on the criteria for evaluating the quality of translation. It is shown that the preservation of the invariant of translation is the distinctive characteristic of adaptive translation, while the main difference between adaptive and equivalent translation lies in the fact that adaptive translation is the most complete translation text in terms of content and expression. The study aims to identify the features of the adaptive translation of aerospace texts and the ways of adapting terms from English to Russian based on the material of aerospace texts. The paper is novel in that it is the first to consider the notion of translation adaptation in the context of improving the quality of translation and to determine the criteria for the adaptability of translation and the ways of adapting the terms of actively developing promising areas of the aerospace sphere. As a result of the study, it has been found that adaptive translation reveals the full meaning of the source text and is a full-fledged representative text of the original in the target language, unlike other types of inequivalent translation, such as author’s adaptations, sense-for-sense translation, retelling, abstract translation, summary translation, etc.
Key words and phrases: теория перевода, адаптивный перевод, перевод терминов, авиакосмическая терминосистема, языковые исследования в аэрокосмической отрасли, adaptive translation, aerospace terminological system, language research in the aerospace industry
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