Metaphoric models representing the LOVE concept in the English and Spanish song discourse
Dubrovskaya Veronica Vladimirovna, Kabanova Irina Nikolaevna, Romashkina Tatyana Sergeevna
Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistics University
Submitted: 16.05.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to systematise the cognitive metaphoric models represented in the song discourse of English-speaking and Spanish-speaking people and connected with the LOVE concept. The paper considers two different approaches to the notion of “concept”, provides its most suitable definition; by analysing dictionaries, thesauri, English and Spanish phraseological dictionaries, the components of the LOVE concept are distinguished, on the basis of English-language and Spanish-language song discourse, metaphoric models representing the analysed concept are defined: LOVE IS A WAY, LOVE IS LIGHT, LOVE IS AN ELEMENT, LOVE IS A BATTLE, LOVE IS AN ILLNESS / LOVE IS A CURE. The academic novelty consists in systematising the national peculiarities of metaphoric models in English and Spanish linguocultures, conducting their comprehensive analysis and comparison. As a result, it has been proved that the universal concept LOVE, familiar to many cultures, has its unique features in English-language and Spanish-language cultures. English people tend to have a reverential attitude to love, they value care and compassion in a relationship, while the Spanish are passionate, emotional and impulsive.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурология, когнитивная лингвистика, концепт, метафора, метафорическая модель, linguocultural studies, cognitive linguistics, concept, metaphor, metaphoric model
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