Linguocultural concepts as a tool of speech manipulation of consciousness in modern German-language political discourse
Chabannaya Anastasiya Gennadyevna
North Caucasus Federal University
Submitted: 29.06.2023
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the study of the topical issue of speech manipulation of consciousness in political communication. The paper attempts a quantitative analysis of the linguocultural concepts that influence the recipient of information in modern German political discourse. The aim of the paper is to systematise the most frequent lexemes representing linguocultural concepts that act as a tool of speech influence in modern German-language political discourse. The speeches of the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made in January-May 2023 served as the research material. The analysis of the frequency of the lexical units was carried out using the LancsBox corpus manager. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it makes an attempt to determine the discourse specifics of the use of linguocultural concepts as a speech means of manipulating consciousness in its correlation with the relevant linguistic and statistical data obtained using the automated text processing method. As a result of the research, it has been proved that linguocultural concepts act as a tool for manipulating information recipients, among these the most frequent are DEMOKRATIE/DEMOCRACY, GEMEINWOHL / COMMON GOOD, ZUKUNFT/FUTURE, WEG/PATH, STAAT/STATE.
Key words and phrases: немецкоязычный политический дискурс, лингвокультурный концепт, речевое манипулирование, политическая коммуникация, German-language political discourse, linguocultural concept, speech manipulation, political communication
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