Synonymy in the English terminology of human viral diseases
Khanina Kseniia Andreevna
Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
Submitted: 13.06.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the types, causes and patterns of frequency synonymy in the terminology of human viral diseases. The author analyzes two opposite views on the attitude of linguists toward terminological synonymy and further considers this phenomenon in relation to the terminology under study. The author identifies the types of synonymous terms and demonstrates the manifestation of term variation with examples. The scientific novelty of the research lies in taking a comprehensive approach to the study of synonymic relations within the terminology of human viral diseases, identifying the types of manifestation of variation of its units. The results of the study have shown that term variation is caused by the context or by the change of the speech situation. It has been established that the duplicity of terms is manifested by the influence of the Greek-Latin terminology and is caused by the process of term internationalization. The author notes the preservation of the functioning of obsolete terms in scientific discourse. The author attributes this synonymy to the lack of a systematic approach and consistency in the process of assigning new names to diseases, noting that alternative variants emerge during the process of nomination.
Key words and phrases: синонимия, терминологическая вариативность, терминология вирусных заболеваний человека, вариант, дублет, synonymy, term variation, terminology of human viral diseases, variant, doublet
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